Number of places

  • The number of available places for the September 2016 admission (for the specialization civil engineering with teaching in English or French) is 27 places financed by Romanian state budget and 20 places with study fee.
  • This is the total number of places for both specialization, the admission criteria beeing the admission score of candidates.  

 Admission calendar

  • Candidates registration: 5 - 12 of September 2016.
  • For registration contact Faculty's Secretariat (B-dul Lacul Tei nr.122, sector 2, Bucuresti, tel. 021/2421208 / int. 314, 021 2420232, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  • Registration program: 9:00-13:00, 14:00-17:00 from Monday to Friday, 9:00-13:00 on Saturday. Sunday there will be no registration; on the last day registration process will close at 13:00 hour. 
  • The language proficiency test will take place on 12th of September starting from 15 o'clock. The distribution of the candidates on classrooms for the language proficiency test will be announced after the registration process ends at the FILS notice board and on the faculty website. On the day of the test, the candidates will come at 9:30 o'clock in the classroom in which they were distributed, with their identity card and their test card. The results will be displayed soon after the completion of the test.
The candidates who do not have an English proficiency certificate will have a language proficiency test (this rule applies to all candidates, regardless of their option for a state financed place or for a tuition fee place). A test example can be found here.
The candidates who have one of the following English proficiency certificate (CAE, CPE, TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, AQA, bilingual class certificate) 
The candidates will present a legalized copy of the language proficiency certificate or will present the original certificate together with a copy.
  • Admission results: 12th of September 2016 (at the FILS notice board and on the faculty website).

Candidates ranking

  • The admission on state sponsored places will be made on the results from baccalaureate;
  • Admission grade is obtained as follows: 20% baccalaureate general grade and 80% from Mathematics, Physics or Computer Sciences (according to candidate choice) obtained at baccalaureate exam;

Registration procedure

  • Information regarding the registration procedure for candidates from EU states, European Economic Space (EES) or Swiss Confederation can be obtained from:
    • Department of International Relations: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Tuition fee

  • For the admission procedure the registration fee is 80 RON, regardless of the selected domain, exam test/tests or selected number of redistribution options.

  • For students from E.U., S.E.E. or Swiss Confederation, accepted on tuition fee places, the annual tuition fee for the academic year 2016/2017 is 4500 RON that can be paid in three equal installments