New announcements

At the beginning of Novermber 2018 the UTCB server suffered a major collapse. Between the irremediable  "damage" are also the modifications and posts from September and October from FILS webpage. We are trying to put everything back as soon as possible, until then please follow the news at FILS advisory board, especially the potential schedule modifications. Thank you for your understanding.


The diploma project exam- july 2018 is scheduled as follows: Civil engineering – 20.07.2018, 10:00, II 2 FCCIA


  • The labour protection instruction for the students from the 3rd year FILS E will take place on Monday, the 9th of July 2018, at 10.00 am, in L2, 4th floor, CCIA. Attendance is mandatory.

  • For the students of the first year (Bachelor of Civil Engineering): “Surveying practice” will begin on Monday, 09.07.2018, 10 a.m., at Faculty of Geodesy, room II-9. There are 2(two) weeks of practice with 6 hours per day. The examination will be held in the last day of this period.
  • Important announcement concerning the mandatory practice period of 3rd year of study


  • The Administration Council of UTCB aproved that all teaching activities from 30.04.2018 (free day through Government decision) will be held saturday 05.05.2018 (following the same schedule and in the same rooms as for 30.04.2018). 
  • The double-degree agreement with Groupe INSA - France
    The candidates students at FILS-UTCB who were selected are :
    - Walid El Ghazali
    - Muhad Jediani
    - Anamaria-Ileana Lăzăroiu
    - Cristian Covrig
    - Gabriela Alina Nenciu.
    Their files will be checked by INSA Toulouse for the final selection. The students who will study their 3rd year in France, will follow the 4th year at FILS, start their master at FILS and will end their studies with the 2nd year of master at INSA Toulouse. At the end they will hold 3 diplomas: UTCB engineer, INSA engineer and UTCB master.
    The double-degree agreement was signed in 2017 between Groupe INSA - France and the Romanian Alliance of Technical Universities.INSA


  • The double-degree agreement with Université de Liège:
    The candidates students selected by FILS - UTCB are:
    - Alexandru Trandafir
    - Imad Dine Dahmani
    - Szabolcs Kovacs
    Their files will be checked by Université de Liège for the final selection that will allow the winners to follow the second year of master studies in Belgium. At the end of their studies, students will hold 2 diplomas: UTCB master and UlG master.
    This double-degree agreement is devoted to the Structural engineering masters at FILS-UTCB (with teaching in english and in french). 

2000px University of Lige logo.svg


  • The interview with FILS master students who are candidates for the double-degree agreement with Liege University will be held on 16.03 at 14:30 at FILS Dean's office. Interview language is English. The jury is: Prof. A. Aldea, Prof. R. Sarghiuta, Prof. M. Iancovici and M. L. Sonia.


  • Romanian language class for foreign students:

1st year (bachelor and master) - Tuesday 18h-20h, room II 10 Geodezie

2nd year (bachelor and master) - Thursday 8h-10h, Spanish Lab. (same building as FILS administration, 3rd staircase, 3rd floor)

Erasmus students may join as they wish.

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Students who intend to go for examinations for not-promoted subjects from the first semester of the previous academic years must fill in a request for each subject. The request must be endorsed by the professor in charge and submitted to the FILS secretary until 16th of March 2018, in case they did not submit their request at the beginning of the academic year. Students who do not submit the requests will not be accepted at examinations. After 16th of March such requests will not be accepted anymore. This applies also for master students.

  • The bachelor final diploma defence for the students of Civil engineering study programme will take place on 1st of March 2018, at 10 o'clock, room I 3, Hidro building.
  • The master thesis defence for the students of Structural engineering study programme will take place on 1st of March 2018, at 12 o'clock, room I 3, Hidro building.


  • Students will not be accepted in examinations in case of lack of payment of their study fees and/or of the fees for following subjects in advance. The deadline was friday 19th of January.
  •  Congratulations to the newly elected students representatives: Cristina Dulgheru (year IV F) became member of FILS Council, and Anamaria Lazaroiu (year II E) became member of the Senate of UTCB. Good luck!


  • December 5th, 2017 - student elections FILS-UTCB

    For the vote procedure, your colleagues from the Electoral Council will come to classes with a mobile voting ballot box. The registered candidates are:

    Dulgheru Florentina-Cristina (Civil engineering in French language, IVth year) - for FILS Council

    Lazaroiu Anamaria-Ileana (Civil engineering in English language, IInd year) - for UTCB Senate.

    The vote is for all students, regardless their specialization, cycle of study, language of study, nationality.


  • Romanian language class for foreign students:

1st year (bachelor and master) - Friday 13:00-15:00, room L IV 1 CFDP

2nd year (bachelor and master) - Tuesday 17:00-19:00, room III 6 Hidro

Erasmus students may join the Friday class.


Students who wish to obtain approval for advance credits for subjects in the first semester of the 2017-2018 academic year must fill in a request  and submit it to the FILS secretary until Friday, 13th of October 2017, 15:00. The requests will be discussed individually by the FILS board with the students Monday 16th of October, according to the following schedule: I E at 11:00, II E at 12:00, III E at 13:00.


Request for advance participation at activities in 2nd year 1st semester

Request for advance participation at activities in 3rd year 1st semester

Request for advance participation at activities in 4th year 1st semester

  • All students have to register for the academic year 2017-2018 at FILS secretary. A registration form must be filled and, if necessary, registration tax of 120 lei must be payed (only Romanian and EU students from 1st year bachelor and master and all postponed students).

    Erasmus students have to follow recommendation of International Relation Department (Mr. Laurentiu Sonia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 

  • Students who intend to go for examinations for not-promoted subjects from the first semester of the previous academic years must fill in a request for each subject. The request must be endorsed by the professor in charge and submitted to the FILS secretary until 13th of October 2017 (students who intend to request credits in advance) or 20th of October 2017 (students who don't intend to request credits in advance). Students who do not submit the requests will not be accepted at examinations. After 20th of October such requests will not be accepted anymore. This applies also for master students.
  • Students from the 1st year of Master are asked to select one of the subjects and to inform abut their option through email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or directly in writen form at FILS Secretary until October 6th, 2017.

Mastere Structural engineering

Option 1
Option 2





Old announcements

  • Opening Ceremonies of the Academic Year 2017-2018 - Monday, October 2, 2017

    10.00 – Room I-2, building FCCIA

    Official Opening Ceremony for all bachelor students in Translation and Interpretation and for the 1st year bachelor students in Civil Engineering (studies in English and in French)


    Prof. Radu Sorin Văcăreanu – Rector of UTCB

    M. Jean-Luc Belmonte – Scientific and academic cooperation attaché, French Institute in Romania, French Embassy in Romania

    11.00 – Room III-1, building FCCIA

    Opening Ceremony for all bachelor students in Translation and Interpretation and for the 1st year bachelor students in Civil Engineering (studies in English and in French)

    11.30 – Room III-3, building FCCIA

    Opening Ceremony for the 1st year bachelor students in Civil Engineering (studies in English and in French)

    12.30 – Room III-2, building FCCIA

    Opening Ceremony for the bachelor students in Civil Engineering– 2nd, 3th, and 4th year of studies

    16.30 – Room III-3, building FCCIA

    Opening Ceremony for the master students in Structural Engineering



  • The bachelor final diploma defence for the students of Civil engineering programme will take place on 11th of september 2017, starting at 10 o'clock, room III 3, Hidro building.
  • Master thesis defense for students of Structural Engineering Master programme will take place on 13th of september 2017, starting at 12 o’clock, room III 3, Hidro building. Presentations should be made in Power-Point and should take about 10 minutes.
  • List of students who must pay an examination fee for trying at least 3 times to pass an exam, in case they intend to pass the exams in this autumn session 2016-2017.
  • The bachelor final diploma defence for the students of Civil engineering programme will take place on 21st of July 2017, starting at 10 o'clock, room II 4, FCCIA building.
  • The Health and Safety instruction for the students from the 3rd year FILS E will take place on Monday, the 10th of July 2017, at 10.00 am, in L2, 4th floor, CCIA. Attendance is mandatory.
  • The following students with scholarships must urgently open a bank account at BCR, BRD or Banc Post in order to receive their scholarship during the holidays: Cobzaru C. Ionut Cristian,Hudaygulyye V. Didar, Isache Fabul V. Antoniu Vasile, Nenciu M. Gabriela Alina, Boldeanu M. Stefania Carmen, Mirea V. Iulian Nicusor, Arsene I. Stefan, Calin I. Laura, Ghailani S. Ilyas, Savulescu I.E. Cristina Despina, Aldea O. L. Andrei Radu, Igna S. Florena Sorina, Neacsu Gh. Florina Adriana, Tache (Ion) S. Marilena,Shahzad A. Behzad. Bring the bank account to FILS Secretary as soon as possible. (rectorate announcement)
  • Master thesis defense for students of Structural Engineering Master programme will take place on 28th and 29th of June 2017, starting at 9 o’clock. The list of students for each day (28th and 29th) will be posted on 27th of June. Presentation should be made in Power-Point and should take about 10 minutes.

  • The bachelor final diploma defence for the students of Civil engineering programme will take place on 20th and 21st of July 2017, starting at 10 o'clock.
  • List of students (bachelor, master) who are not accepted in examinations (due to the lack of payment of their study fees and/or of the fees for following subjects in advance). Please urgently solve your situation.

List of students who are not allowed to pass exams in this session due to their failure to pay the study fee (12.05.2017).

  • For registering (mandatory for all students, bachelor and master), please follow the link:


  • Announcement concerning the public alarms from 18-21 april 2017.


  • The final bachelor diploma exam (session - spring 2017) will be held on march 2nd at 8:00 in room III-3 Hidro.


  • Students who wish to obtain approval for advance credits for subjects in the second semester of 2016-2017 academic year must fill in a request and submit it to the FILS secretary until Friday, 3rd of March 2017, 15.00. The requests will be discussed individually by the FILS board with the students on 6th and 7th March 2017, according to a schedule available at FILS secretary.


Request for advance participation at activities from 2nd semester of 2nd Year of study

Request for advance participation at activities from 2nd semester of 3rd Year of study

Request for advance participation at activities from 2nd semester of 4th Year of study

The students who don’t submit the requests and don’t participate to the individual discussions will have no right to participate in advance to subjects of the second semester of academic year 2016-2017.


  • Starting with 11th of january 2017 the lectures are held according to the normal schedule.
  • Due to weather conditions, UTCB management announces that monday and tuesday (9th and 10th of january) the teaching activities are cancelled.



  • According to the Government decision HG-17 from november 2016, the day of december 2 is free and the activities scheduled for that day will be held on december 17.

    The days of november 28 and 29 are regular day and activities will be held according to the official schedule.
  •  ASCB announcement:
    There are two places available in the Council of FILS for student representatives. One student of DLSC (undergraduate or graduate) and one of FILS (undergraduate in English) are waited to take them.
    It has to be mentioned that the applicants must understand and be able to communicate in Romanian language because the Council discussions will be held in this language.


  • The description of the elective subjects from the first semester of the master.

Students are asked to select one of the subjects and to inform abut their option through email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or directly in writen form at FILS Secretary until October 7th, 2016.

Mastere Structural engineering

Option 1

Option 2

  • Students who wish to obtain approval for advance credits for subjects in the first semester of the 2016-2017 academic year must fill in a request (template available in English on the site of FILS) and submit it to the FILS secretary until Tuesday, 11th of October 2016, 15:00. The requests will be discussed individually by the FILS board with the students between October 12-17 2016, according to a schedule available at FILS secretary.

    For any problems, please contact the secretary.


Request for advance participation at activities in 2nd year 1st semester-E

Request for advance participation at activities in 3rd year 1st semester-E

Request for advance participation at activities in 4th year 1st semester-E

The students who don’t submit the requests and do not participate to the individual discussions will have no right to participate in advance to subjects of the first semester of the academic year 2016-2017.

  • FAILED SUBJECTS  Students who intend to go for examinations for not-passed subjects from the first semester of the previous academic years must fill in a request for each subject. The request must be endorsed by the professor in charge and submitted to the FILS secretary until Tuesday, 11th of October 2016, 15:00, for students who request advance credits, or until Monday, 17th of October 2016, 15:00, for students who do not request advance credits. Students who do not submit the requests will not be accepted at examinations. After 17th of October such requests will no longer be accepted. For any problems, please contact the secretary.

These rules apply to the Master students too (please make a written request).

  • All students (regardless of their year of study) must register for the new academic year. Please come to FILS Secretary before October 10th.


  • The final bachelor diploma exam (session - september 2016) will be held on 16th of september at 10:00 in room II-1 FCCIA.
  • The final master diploma exam (session - september 2016) will be held on 13th of september at 13:00 in room CRU-L3 FCCIA.



  • The colloquium for the practical stage (IIIrd year) will be held on 22.07.2016 at 10:00 in room II 4 - C.C.I.A.
  • The bachelor diploma exam will be held on 22nd of July 2016 (10:00, room I4, Facultatii de Hidrotehnica building). The jury was appointed through Rector's decision.
  • The labour protection instruction for the students from the 3rd year FILS E will take place on Monday, the 4th of July 2016, at 11.00 am, in L3 CRU CCIA. Attendance is mandatory.
  • Rules for writing and defending the master thesis. The thesis defence will take palce on 1st of July 2016, at 13:00, room CRU-L3, 1st floor FCCIA building. The jury was fixed through Rector's decision.

Poster Kasai


Request for advance participation at activities from 2nd semester of 2nd Year of study

Request for advance participation at activities from 2nd semester of 3rd Year of study

Request for advance participation at activities from 2nd semester of 4th Year of study

The students who don’t submit the requests and don’t participate to the individual discussions will have no right to participate in advance to subjects of the second semester of academic year 2015-2016.

  • Students who intend to go for examinations for not-promoted subjects from the second semester of the previous academic years must fill in a request for each subject, if they have not already done it at the beginning of the academic year. The request must be endorsed by the professor in charge and submitted to the FILS secretary until Friday 11th of March 2016. Students who do not submit the requests will not be accepted at examinations. 11th of March such requests will not be accepted anymore. For any problems, please contact the secretary. Master students must also follow the same procedure.

FILS students (bachelor and master’s degree) who wish to participate to a workshop on the diploma project or dissertation thesis writing techniques and rules are invited on Saturday, 5th of March 2016, in III 3 H, at 11 o’clock. Participants should bring their own laptops. The workshop will be delivered by Manole Serbulea.


    FOR FIRST YEAR STUDENTS: every Tuesday from 8:00 to 9:50 a.m. in the Japanese language laboratory

    FOR THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS: every Monday from 4:00 to 5:50 p.m. in the Japanese language laboratory

    Erasmus students can join any of the above classes.

  • The bachelor final exam for the specilization "Civil engineering" (in english language), session of February 2016 will be held on 25th of february, at 10:00, room P 2a, ground floor of Faculty "Hidrotehnica".
  • Students with tax must pay until 26th of february their remaining due fees, otherwise they will be expelled by UTCB Rectorate.

  • List of students who are not allowed to pass exams in this session due to their failure to pay the study fee (18.01.2016).
  • List of students who must pay an examination fee for trying at least 3 times to pass an exam, in case they intend to pass the exams in this winter session 2015-2016 (19.01.2016).
  • Table of students who are allowed to join re-examinations for subjects from the second semester during the winter exam session.
  • The following students must come to FILS secretary for receiving a Note from the Direction, with approval from the vice-rector with education affairs.

Year II E

  • Ammari S. Ghaith
  • Birinci Yusuf Can Ziya
  • Giannakidis Dimitrios Georgios
  • Mitroi D.F. Amalia
  • Al Obaidi Ahmed Salim Madab
  • Dughir Bogdan Andrei
  • Neofytos Sokratis
  • Piron Madalin
  • Talos A. Danut

Year III E

  • Korkontzilas Georgios
  • Aksu Sirin
  • Barbu Stefan Adrian
  • Al Khalil Mohamad
  • Capra Sorin Dragos
  • Cristea Claudiu
  • Dinu Daniel Dumitru
  • Mota Marius Alin
  • Valkanis Dionysios

Students from the following lists can't join the exams from winter session due to the lack of fulfilling the professors's requirements.

Structural Analysis II: 

  • Al Kabtan A. Mustafa
  • Caraman Andrei
  • Gheorghe P. Doru-Petrisor
  • Grosu I. Ioana Raluca
  • Mohammed Ibrahim Ismael


Romanian language class for foreign students (first semester)

1st year - Monday 16:00-18:00, Japanese language laboratory  (same building with FILS administration, 3rd entrance, 2nd floor)

2nd year - Wednesday 18:00-20:00, Japanese language laboratory  (same building with FILS administration, 3rd entrance, 2nd floor)

Cours de langue roumaine pour les étudiants étrangers

1ere année - Lundi 16:00-18:00, Laboratoire de langue japonaise (même bâtiment que l'administration FILS, 3eme entrée, 2eme étage)

2eme année - Mercredi 18:00-20:00, Laboratoire de langue japonaise (même bâtiment que l'administration FILS, 3eme entrée, 2eme étage)

Erasmus students can join any of the above classes (regardless of the spoken language) in order to discuss with the teacher and take a common decision. The same for other FILS students. Erasmus students can also join classes with students from another faculty: first year Friday 8:00-12:00 also at the Japanese language laboratory.

Les étudiants Erasmus peuvent se joindre à l'un des cours ci-dessus (selon leur choix, indifféremment de la langue) afin de discuter avec l'enseignant et prendre une décision ensemble. Le même pour les autres étudiants FILS. Les étudiants Erasmus peuvent aussi suivre les cours avec des étudiants d'une autre faculté, Vendredi 8:00-12:00, toujours au Laboratoire de langue japonaise.

  • All students (budget funded and with study fee, curent year and postponed) must register to FILS secretary in order to be officially registered in the new academic year. The registration deadline is October 15th. Those who do not register on time will loose the student status. Students with study fee must pay 1/3rd of their annual fee.
  • Students who wish to obtain approval for advance credits for subjects in the first semester of 2015-2016 academic year must fill in a request and submit it to the FILS secretary prior to 13th October 2015, 15:00h. The requests will be checked by the secretary and discussed individually by the FILS board with the students according to the schedule prepared by secretariat:

Thursday 15th October 2015, 14:00h

Friday 16th October 2015, 11:00h

Monday 19th October 2015, 13:00h and 16:00h

Templates for the request to follow in advance subjects in the first semester:

Request for advance credits from second year

Request for advance credits from third year

Request for advance credits from fourth year

The above announcement is also valid for master students (please submit a hand written request).

  • Students who intend to go for examinations for not-promoted subjects from the first semester of the previous academic years must fill in a requestfor each subject. The request must be endorsed by the professor in charge and submitted to the FILS secretary until Thursday 15th of October 2015, 13:00 h. Students who do not submit the requests will not be accepted at examinations. After 23th of October such requests will not be accepted anymore. Since the not-promoted exams are considered for the decision of acceptance for following disciplines in advance (advance credits), the students who intend to request advance credits should urgently submit their requests for not-promoted subjects (if they have not already done it).

The above announcement is also valid for master students (please use the same request form).

  • The students who started bachelor's degree and Master's degree at FILS in academic year 2015 - 2016 will study using new Study programms(approved by Faculty Council, UTCB Administrative Council and UTCB Senate). The students from IInd, IIIrd and IVth year (Bachelor) and IInd year (Master) will continue with the Study programms they started with.
  • Mentors during the university year 2015-206

I E - Prof. Angel Popescu

II E - Lecturer Stefan Ardelean

III E - Assoc.-prof. Ruxandra Enache

IV E - Lecturer Dragos Voiculescu

I Master E - Lecturer Mihail Iancovici

II Master E - Assooc. prof. Bogdan Stefanescu

Permanent announcements

  • All students who during their highschool studies obtained positive results at competitions and olympics (local, national and/or international level) are asked to send at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. scanned versions of their diploma.
  • All students who during their university studies obtained positive results at student competitions (all subject), are asked to send at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. scanned versions of their diploma.


The FILS website will host a special section devoted to these results.