Within an event organised by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) on 26.03.2018, FILS-UTCB Dean, Prof. Alexandru Aldea received from ARACIS President Prof. Iordan Petrescu and ENAEE President Prof. Bernard Remaud (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education http://www.enaee.eu/) the EUR-ACE® label for the bachelor study programs "Civil Engineering" with teaching in English and in French. Only 10 study programs in Romania are labeled by ENAEE. The EUR-ACE® label will be mentionned in the engineer diploma supplement. http://eurace.enaee.eu/node/17658

IMG 2861 Poze EUR ACE 12 Poze EUR ACE 20

affiche Concurs Statica 2017en

FILS si Valoris va invita la un training de Personal Branding
Intrarea este gratuita. Va asteptam!
Obiectivul trainingului este de a prezenta instrumentele din social media prin intermediul carora se poate crea un brand personal util in gasirea unui job:
- importanta brandului (corporate si personal)
- ce inseamna personal branding, ce unelte putem folosi si cum il cream
- istoricul retelelor de socializare
- analiza celor mai importante 3 retele de socializare (tips&tricks) si cum le putem folosi in avantajul nostru.
Se organizeaza si o tombola (premiul este o pereche de casti on-ear).



  • Tuesday 30.05.2017 do not miss the presentation of Neptune RH during Construct Fest! (Hall I-1, 13:50-14:00, "National and International Career Opportunities in Construction Industry"). You can leave your CV to the representative of this human ressources company with headquarters in France, Portugal, Poland and Romania, focused on construction industry.

Neptune RH

 Seki lecture

poster utcb0031

We want to congratulate and express our gratitude to coordinating teachers: 

Lecturer dr. Elena Savu, UPB

Lecturer dr. Fabiola Popa, UPB

Associated prof.. dr. Mihaela Badea, UPG

Lecturer dr. Maria Paraschiv, UPG

Lecturer dr. Ana Drobot, UTCB

Lecturer dr. Anca Bunea, UTCB

Assistant prof. dr. Maria Alexe, UTCB.


 Afis Filme FILS 2017 premii m  Afis Film 5m

Afis Film 4m  curs franceza   

Afis Film 3m     Afis Film 2m  

Afis Filme FILS 2017m   Afis Film 1m



poster concurs

Concurs Statica 2017en

 Poza Croatia

Public lectures on wind engineering (13th and 14th of December 2016)

Anunt DrHC Solari

Public lecture (free entrance, 18 oct. 2016, 14:00)

J Douglas


Bucharest seminar on seismic isolation

ro jp seminar

Romania and Japan are prone to significant seismic activity and, over the centuries, both of countries suffered many disastrous earthquakes that caused widespread destruction and loss of countless lives. It is important to mitigate damage caused by earthquakes by using innovative earthquake resistant design methods such as seismic isolation or vibration control technologies both for existing and new buildings. During this seminar, a Japanese team coordinated by the Japan Seismic Isolation Society will present such technologies developed in Japan in the past three decades. The principle of seismic isolation and vibration control will be explained in detail. Moreover, actual applications, roles of devices, construction and maintenance methods will be presented.

The Knowledge Co-Creation Program is planned by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism in Japan in collaboration with the Japan Society of Seismic Isolation and Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest.

Seminar program