Admission and study fee:

Admission is based on the bachelor studies results, in descending order up to the number of places available.

EU graduates can study for free in the limit of the available places for Romanian and citizens from EU, European Economic Space (EES) or Swiss Confederation (30 places in the academic year 2016-2017 for both the masters with teaching in english and in french), or with an annual study fee of 4500 lei (~1000 Euro), also 30 places for both masters, for EU and non-EU citizens.

The numbers of places can be increased depending on the number of candidates, through internal arrangements within the university.

Language proficiency:

The candidates who have a recognised proficiency certificate in English (CAE, CPE, TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, AQA, bilingual class certificate), FILS graduates, candidates from Anglophone countries or candidates whom studied bachelor in English language are exempted from English proficiency test. The remaining candidates will have to pass a English proficiency test (regardless of their option for a state sponsored place or place with tuition fee). The candidates will present the original certificate together with a copy.

The other candidates must pass a language proficiency test during the admission (EU candidates without study fee) or after their arrival (EU candidates with study fee)

Admission calendar:

  • registration for Romanian and EU candidates - 21st and 22nd of September 2016, between 9 - 13 at the FILS secretariat (Bd. Lacul Tei, no.124, Bucharest)
  • Language proficiency test - 23rd of September 2016, from 10 o'clock and will last two hours.The distribution of the candidates on classrooms for the language proficiency test will be shown on 22nd of September, after the end of the registrations, at the FILS notice board and on the faculty website. On the day of the test, the candidates will come at 9:30 in the classroom in which they were distributed, with their identity card and their test card.

    The results will be displayed on 23rd of September, soon after the completion of the test.

  • The final results for the admission exam will be displayed on 23rd of September.

    Further administrative details can be obtained from the Department of International Relations: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.and at

  • The registration fee for admission exam is 100 lei (~22 Euro) for students from E.U., S.E.E. or Swiss Confederation.


Upon request master students have ensured places in student’s dormitory:

  • Romanian and EU students must make a request during the registration for admission


Romanian and EU students accepted on state budget funding (i.e. without study fee) can obtain scholarships as function of their academic results and their personal financial situation, according to the rules established by UTCB’s Senate and depending on the scholarship funding at UTCB from the Ministry of Education.