Admission and study fee:

Admission is based on the bachelor studies results, in descending order up to the number of places available.

A special admission procedure for studding in Romania is required for non EU candidates.

For non EU students the tuition is of 270 EURO per month for the whole duration of the academic year (i.e., 9 months= 2430 EURO or 2700 EURO including autumn exam session).

Please find details at: and by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Language proficiency:

The candidates who have a recognised proficiency certificate in English (CAE, CPE, TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, AQA, bilingual class certificate), FILS graduates, candidates from Anglophone countries or candidates whom studied bachelor in English language are exempted from English proficiency test. The candidates will present the original certificate together with a copy. The remaining candidates will have to pass a English proficiency test.

The other candidates must pass a language proficiency test after their arrival.


Upon request master students have ensured places in student’s dormitory:


Non-EU students can obtain scholarships for studying in Romania from their governments, from the Romanian Government or from other international organizations.